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Wanna Pranna?

Asian, Dates, Happy HourLizComment

Best to Drink (Thai Gaves) on First Dates!


As the title of the post indicates, I visited Pranna ( this past week on a first date. Although I haven't heard back from my date, I do know that I will visit Pranna again. The venue is spacious and the Happy Hour specials for tapas/drinks are great. Of course I didn't order a drink that was on special because I had my eyes on the Thai Gave. It is a (delicious!) blend of agave nectar, ginger juice, lime juice, fresh pineapple juice and tequila. If you're in Flatiron, check out Pranna! 


Sorry for no pics. I didn't want to hurt my chances of a second date with a spastic photo of my cocktail...guess it didn't matter! Pictures next time.


