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Out of the Fire and Into the Frying Pan!

Drinks, OutdoorsLiz1 Comment

School's Out - Party Time

I often feel like a bad New Yorker...especially when I haven't visited certain drinking institutions, such as The Frying Pan ( It is an historic floating lighthouse docked at Pier 66.

It is easy to figure out when you've arrived!

It is easy to figure out when you've arrived!

As part of our Senior Week activities, we had a happy hour here. Although it was a bit chilly, the weather cooperated and there was no rain - whew!

We had a tab, so I'm not sure the exact cost, but we got several pitchers of white sangria (maybe $35 each?). It is topped with seasonal fruit - this time peaches and mangoes. SO GOOD. This is some dangerous liquid - it creeps up on you!

This counts as a serving of fruit, right?

This counts as a serving of fruit, right?

We passed the time playing a fun game - Bananagrams! It got super heated - when you have a bunch of drinking MBAs, what could you expect? I had so much fun - woot!

Beth is READY to play!

Beth is READY to play!

This is a great spot - it definitely has the potential to be super fratty, so you're warned.

